Sunday, March 23, 2008


I think I have finally settled on an actual "title" for this blog. The editor hidden deep down inside me couldn't allow "Untitled" as the title much longer. It just didn't fit. So for now! I like the song, "Give Thanks" from which I derived the title.

Give thanks with a grateful heart
give thanks to the Holy One
give thanks because he has given Jesus Christ, His Son...

And as a grateful heart is what I am trying to cultivate, it is fitting.

Everything else could fade away and the one thing I am most thankful for will still remain. I am so grateful for the salvation that my Jesus brings to me. With out God I am just nothing. I am thankful that God sent His son to take my place so that I can go to heaven when I die and be with him.
Not only does He grant me salvation from hell, he gives me here in the present, peace, contentment, and joy even in the midst of the craziness of life. I still need to make a conscious effort to be joyful and thankful, but He has given it to me, so I want to experience it! It is in reach. This blog is a tool to help me be more aware of being thankful for the blessings in my life as well as just being thankful for the little "stuff." I think it is helping. There are times when I think of things I can write about for which I give thanks, but don't have an opportunity to write. I am thankful for so much more than what you see here.

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